Lime Products Tiverton

Twyford Lime Products are your local manufacturers of high-quality lime products in Tiverton. We manufacture the lime mortar and lime washes required to restore your property sympathetically. In order to make our lime products unique to your home, we also have the ability to produce these products in any colour. We can offer colour matching services to produce your bespoke earth and mineral pigment coloured mortar. For more information about our lime products, please contact us. 

What is lime?

Lime is a building material first adopted by the Ancient Egyptians. It is produced by burning limestone (calcium carbonate) to form a highly caustic, volatile substance – quicklime. It is then slaked (added to water) to make lime putty or hydraulic lime (if the limestone contains clay). It can then be mixed with aggregate to make mortar or diluted to make limewash.

The mortar reacts with carbon dioxide in the air and slowly hardens.

Lime has been used successfully in construction for thousands of years until, in the nineteenth century, Portland cement was introduced. Unfortunately, the use of cement has had a negative impact on many older buildings due to its hard set. Many traditional building materials are soft and porous and therefore not compatible with hard cement. Much of our work involves removing cement, which traps water behind its impermeable surface, and replacing with lime mortar, which allows water to evaporate away from the masonry.

Our Products

We manufacture our own high quality lime products. We can also make specific mixes to suit your requirements, should you need something a little different. Our lime products include the following: 

Lime Putty

Lime putty is the neat slaked lime which can be made into mortar.

Lime Mortar

  • Course lime mortar – for building and plastering
  • Lime skim – rich and fine for a smooth thin finish on interior walls


  • Plain (white) limewash – for interior or exterior walls
  • Tallowed (white) limewash – for exterior walls, the tallow adds water resistance
  • Coloured plain or tallowed limewash- we can add a combination of earth and mineral pigments to create your desired colour or match an existing colour
Central Locking lime washing on period property

Lime Mortar Mix

Lime mortar mix is most commonly used in the restoration and conservation of historic buildings originally built using lime mortar. This mortar is composed of an aggregate (sand for example) and lime. For the best restoration of a traditional building, lime mortar should be used. When concrete mortar is used to restore historic buildings, it can increase the chance of damp and prevents the building from breathing. Our lime mortar is specially manufactured by our team of experienced restorers, so you can be sure it is of the best quality. 

Construction mason worker with spatula and mortar
internal view of period cottage with new application of lime wash

Contact Twyford Lime Products

If your historic building needs lime mortar pointing, plastering or washes, do not hesitate to get in touch. We manufacture our lime products in Tiverton and have the skill and expertise to restore your traditional property back to its original condition. For further information call us directly on 01884 255407. We will be happy to offer advice and can also arrange a suitable date and time to visit your property to perform a survey. 

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